Town & Country

You Iook awfuI.
Have you taIked to EIIie
on the phone, by the way?

I can't.
She's threatened to take
out a restraining order.

Yeah. Mona's
answering machine says...

''Hi, it's Mona.
Leave me a message.

I'II caII you back unIess
I've ever been married to you.''

-WeII, she's funny.
-Yeah, funny.

And smart.
Smart and sexy,
don't you think?

Griffin, I don't think peopIe
who are reaIIy friends...

shouId keep secrets
from each other.

That's absoIuteIy right.
I didn't see it coming.
I just didn't.

I didn't see it coming.
I just didn't.
I didn't.

No. Of course not.
How couId you?
I mean, you know why?
Because it's something
you hide and then you deny.

BIess you.
WeII, I mean,
nobody pIanned it.

Of course not.
It's programmed.
It's genetic.

-You reaIIy beIieve that?
-I mean, it happened to me.

It couId have happened
to either of us.

I guess that depends
on how you feeI about EIIie.

-She's--I mean...
-How I feeI about EIIie?

Like you and whoever
the redhead was...

that--I'm sure that you
were just Iooking for...

something that was
out of the ordinary...

-something that--

Different, yeah.
EIIie is a woman,
Mona's a woman...

and they're very compIicated.
They're very...

We think we know aII--
Wait a minute,
wait a minute...

wait a minute.
For God's sake...

what you're saying
is so interesting.

-You're saying that--

No, not--but--
I'm not saying that necessariIy
is the case, because--

But that they couId?
Does that shock you?
