This is...
I'm OK.
Do you have worms?
-FIy fishing?
You never fIy fish
with anything aIive.
Dead worms.
What are you gonna be
doing for HaIIoween?
Where are you fishing?
-The river.
Did you ever consider
getting a spinning outfit?
Maybe for HaIIoween, huh?
-How deep is this river?
-Not very deep.
So, do you want beetIes,
ants, or wet nymph?
Wet nymph?
Yeah. You know,
a bug in its nymph phase.
It fIoats to the surface,
hatches, dries its wings...
fIies into a bush,
crashes into the water...
Iays its eggs and then dies.
-Oh, my God.
-Where's the maIe?
MiIes away.
WeII, isn't that
a famiIiar story?
Your pumpkin.
This is EIIie Stoddard.
I'm not in, or I'm asIeep.
Leave a message.
EIIie, it's me.
Pick up, wiII you?
WiII you pIease pick up?
I need to taIk to you.
AIice, don't even
think about it. AII right?