Training Day

You all right?
It behooves you not
to dick around on this one.

Justifiable homicide
in the line of duty.

-Now, what happened--
-What happened was murder.

And armed robbery.
We had badges, so it's different?
Son, open your eyes! Can't you see?
That man was your friend,
and you killed him like a fly.

My friend? Tell me why?
Because he knows my first name?
This is the game.
I played his ass.

That's our job.
Roger sold dope to kids.
The world's better off without him.

This man was the biggest
major violator in Los Angeles.

I watched that cocksucker for years
and now I got him.

This is chess, not checkers!
What'd you think?
We'd roll up in a black and white?

Slap the cuffs on him?
He's a high roller, dog.
-Take the money.
-I'm not taking it.

-Just take it.

Look, I don't give a fuck, but
the boys'll feel better.

Fuck their feelings!
Jake, we're a team.
A team?
You guys are fucking insane.
I'll go back to the Valley,
I'll cut parking tickets.

-It can't be like this.
-It is.

I'm sorry, but it is.
It's ugly, but it's necessary.
I became a cop to put away
dealers and criminals, not to be one.
