Training Day

Hey, we got some things
for the family.

IKitchen's this way.
Put it on the counter.
-Where's the head?
-Right through.

I'm gonna go to the head.
Two seconds, we're gone.

Hey, let me get the CD player.
No, the CD player's mine.
Dreamer! Come here!
Count that shit, all right?
Thanks a lot, I was busy.
Learn how to count, fucking math whiz.
-You looked!
-I didn't.

You calling me a cheater, ése?
Deal again, Sniper.
You play cards, cop?
No, not really.
Want a beer?
Have a cold one.
No, thanks, I'm good.
Come on, sit down.
Play a card game with us.

Don't be rude, ése. You're a guest.
Why don't you play one hand?
Don't worry, we ain't betting money.
