Ay, Dios mío!
A truckload of chickens.
lnfrared monitoring
now indicates the shrieker herd...
...moving across the pampas toward us...
...closing at less than 300 meters.
290. 280.
l've managed to lead the shrieker herd
away from civilian population.
My tactical approach is
utilize various maneuvers...
by Sitting Bull at Little Bighorn...
...and Field Marshal Rommel during
the North Africa campaign.
The idea being to set up a proper kill zone.
[Distant explosion]
BURT: l should take this opportunity
to point out their zero tactical skills.
[Screeching approaches]
BURT: Lacking eyes or ears,
they can sense only heat and....
[Man tries to interrupt]
Patience, mi amigo.
[Exhortations in Spanish]
Nothing to worry about...
...because for once l have
the proper tool at hand.
[Martial instrumental music]
Looking for a little heat?
[Shriekers screech and howl]