Burt, welcome home.
Put in a bar code reader?
Jodi, they can use that
to build a profile on all my purchases.
Burt, welcome home.
Yeah, welcome.
Next they'll want a sample of my DNA.
How have you been?
JODl: l guess l'm getting by.
BURT: Getting by? You're doing better
than your uncle ever did.
JODl: ln retail, if you're not three steps
ahead, you're one step behind.
JODl: You want your mail?
BURT: Yeah, l guess.
Perfection Valley Ranchettes.
They've been making offers to all of us.
Shall l file it for you?
JODl: Cool watch.
BURT: Gift from the gauchos.
It continuously updates
its time to the nanosecond...
...by connecting directly
to the cesium clock in Colorado...
...via ultrasonic frequency.
Well above our normal range of hearing,
but it'll give a dog fits.
Right. So, were you able to
get me graboid or shrieker parts:
Beaks, tentacles, claws?
Aren't you overdoing all this a little?
Burt, this stuff is our claim to fame.
China has pandas. Australia has koalas.
And we've got these...
...even if they are extinct here.
Are you trying to turn the valley
into a theme park?
lt worked for your friends, Earl and Grady.
l'm just fighting for my piece
of the leisure dollar. But this...
...this is your theme park kind of guy.
BURT: ''Desert Jack's Graboid Adventure,''
who the hell is this yahoo?
He moved in while you were gone,
started this business...
...taking people out on graboid safaris.
l don't believe this.
JACK: [Over loudspeaker]
Believe it, ladies and gentlemen.
This is no theme park simulation here.
You are in the heart of graboid country.