RECORDlNG: Please enter access code...
...or Level 1 security program
will be activated in ten seconds.
Nine seconds,
eight seconds, seven seconds...
...six seconds, five seconds.
JACK: Thank you for your business.
l'd say we got pretty lucky out there today.
-All we saw was dust.
That's all you want to see, believe me, son.
Stay on the blacktop now
till you're clear out of the valley.
Tell your friends about us.
JACK: Got to restock the cooler here.
By the way, you didn't pay me
for that bag of ice this morning.
JACK: Well, you know,
l thought it was complimentary ice.
l'm in business here, Jack.
So am l. l've been thinking you ought
to sell me my refreshments at wholesale.
-lt's a part of our symbiotic relationship.
Symbiotic relationship.
That's a good one, Jack.
JACK: You see, Jodi, all things are related.
My business brings business
to your business.
Probably like an increase of about,
approximately around...
...22%, with questionable sustainability.
Questionable sustainability?
Do you have a business plan?
l try not to plan too much.
l trust in the ebb and flow of the universe.
You have to plan to be a viable entity
in today's economic landscape.
See, me, l'm in phase three
of establishing my product identity.
You know, L.L. Bean, ''canoey,'' outdoorsy.
Land's End, ''golf clubby,'' ''sailboaty.''
l see. l see. Chang's Market.