...you and l are destined to work together.
What do you think?
lf l had an inner voice
it'd be telling me to tell you to get lost.
Well, you know, take your time.
You just think about it
and get back to me now.
He'll come around.
Buford! Get your head out of your pants.
Just looking at the scenery.
Drooling on yourself.
Go set up for the next group.
You don't have to be so mean.
Boy, you're about as sharp
as a bowling ball.
Yeah, tough guy.
Hi, Mindy.
That skull was ripped wide open, boy.
Eyeballs popping out. Ugly!
Now as l said,
you're in the heart of graboid country.
Yeah, you're right in the heart of it.
Let me tell you something, boys...
...you're right in the frigging heart of it!
WOMAN: Honey, did you see that?
MAN: Sweet Jesus! Look!
JACK: Having a little engine trouble, folks.
Stay calm. Stay calm.
WOMAN: Where is it?
JACK: Stick with Jack, you'll make it back.
JACK: Hold on to your hats.
MlNDY: Help, help, graboid attack.
This is what you guys do all day?
l mean, no offense, Buford,
but it's like tragically lame.
This is a good living.
Compared to what l was doing before.
Which was?
Well, l was...
...shoveling roadkill for the county.
Okay, l get you, but...
...why is Jack wasting his time...