ls your head up your ass for the warmth?
We thought you'd be happy.
-You want to get eminent domained out?
-Catch a live graboid?
lt's hard enough to kill one
without saturation bombing.
l told them, Burt Gummer,
he'd come up with something.
The bastards are smart,
and they'll get smarter.
You're still here, aren't you?
l'd say you're up to it.
So, Mr. Gummer, what do you think?
Fish or cut bait.
...say you have some sort of tranquilizer.
RUSK: Yeah, we're using tranq darts.
We got them to chase us,
but couldn't get these to penetrate dirt.
l'm ordering titanium tips
and a more powerful launch gun.
Of course, you could squander
the taxpayers' money...
...but l can get a graboid to swallow this...
...with this, for $49.95.
Then, if it goes to sleep, you can dig it up...
...take it back to Area 51...
...or whatever fits
your plausible deniability.
l don't understand what you just said,
but do we have a deal?
Because we want to know
what we should do.
You guys do what you do best.
Find something simple and complicate it.
lt's good he expresses himself.
Repressed emotions can be real toxic.
He needs counseling.
-Get in!
You got me into this.
All right!
BURT: Use the door!