Tremors 3: Back to Perfection

BURT: Bingo. We have a visual.
JODl: Two, four. There are seven of them.

You mean, they're already
making more of themselves?

Yeah, they munched on Statler and Rusk.
We better get moving.

[Fast-paced instrumental music]
l totally hate my life.
Damn, l still don't see them.
JODl: How do you focus these things?
BURT: Here, try these.

JACK: Better get that satellite thing again.
JACK: We got you covered.
BURT: That's it, right there.

MlGUEL: There's eight of them.
JODl: What are they eating?

Coyotes, lizards, snakes. They don't care.
This is really serious.
l keep trying to tell you people!
How far are your cattle?

-lf they get to your herd, we're in trouble.
-Burt, look.

Look there. They're going into
that box canyon over there.

JACK: There's only one way out of there.
-lf we get there before--
-l'm with you.

We just roll in and mop
those little devils up.

BURT: Go! Go!
JACK: Come on! Come on!

Miguel! Where the hell....
Es blanco.
Holy shit.
l've never seen a live one.
Holy shit!
What do we do now?
Radio Nancy and Mindy
to call for some kind of help.
