MlGUEL: lt's coming back!
BURT: Yep.
BURT: He's taken the bait.
Jodi, Jack, let's move it.
-This is yours: .308, four shots in the mag.
-l don't know--
lt won't bite you. Jack, grab your
Weatherby and let's do this.
-My ''Weather'' what?
-Your rifle. ln your gun rack?
The gun is not real.
Borrowed it off some movie guy.
BURT: Here. You do know which end
the bullets come out of?
JACK: l've seen movies.
BURT: Here. You look cold.
Now, let's go bag our limit of shriekers.
Come on!
[Fast-paced instrumental music]
MlGUEL: Has to be right around that bend.
[Gusting noise]
JACK: What the--
JODl: Jeez, what are they doing?
BURT: l do not know.
BURT: Let's tenderize them a little.
MlGUEL: l remember these babies.
BURT: Cover!
[Massive explosion]
Holy shit! He doesn't fool around.
Burt is very committed.
Come on, come on! Let's hit them!
[Jack whoops]
JACK: Check it out!
Vaporized them!
l mean, there's nothing left.
No, no. We should see remains.
They wouldn't just disintegrate!
-How do you know?
-l've blown them up before!