They're taking bricks from my site.
- Why?
- Don't you know what that means?
They're building the wall.
It's only a rumor.
Now just enjoy yourself!
At fiirst I thought it was wrong
to enteranother race.
But it wasn't.
It was the right thing to do.
It was my win,
and my plan worked.
I was able to aggravate them all.
Especially the functionaries.
I was arrested in theJune Rebellion
of 1953 and spent fouryears in prison.
I had waited years forthis moment.
What's your brother up to?
It was a matterof
freedom and honorto me.
And that's what keeps me going.
All combat units in Berlin
have assembled in Stalinallee.
Theircommander, Comrade Ludenstein,
has reported to the State Council.
All attempts to break through
the borderofthe GDRhave been foiled.
They were nipped in the bud
by increased bordersecurity.
Then Walter Ulbricht said,
"Along with other Warsaw Pact states,