Yeah, but...
I can't write
"on yourway home."
People want a martyr:
Communists torturing people.
You were tortured, right?
- Sure.
- Then tell about it.
We got enough
creeps like you over there
who want to know everything.
Especially what's not their business.
And what's worse,
you guys enjoy it.
The guest suite.
You can stay here at frst.
Here's a blanket.
Sink and toilet are upstairs.
If you have any problems,
Matthis will help you.
Regarding your sister, forget it.
Passports for families are impossible.
What now?
No idea.
I don't know what they'll do to her.
If I'll ever see her again.
I shouldn't have let her go.
- Bye.
- Bye.
2.90 an hour, net wage.
I promised Lotte.