They've already blocked off
every known escape route.
The sewer, the river bank.
There's no way out.
We'll use an unknown escape route.
Like what?
Here, engineer.
Everworked with one of these?
One post afterthe other
at Potsdam Square.
It'll take an incredible amount
of organizing to do it right.
You need tools, slag heaps
and at least 10 to 20 men
working in shifts.
- Alone, it'll take years.
- So it'll take us years.
Carola is in prison.
Should I just march in there
and get her out?
I thought you were the engineer.
It would be your masterpiece.
Attention.! Attention.!
This is the "Barbed Wire Studio."
Soldiers ofthe National People's Army.!
This is the voice oftruth
and common sense.
Citizens ofWest Berlin.
It can neither bejustifiied
by yourconscience or by law.
You won't hush us up.
Your ridiculous
"Barbed Wire Station"
is slanderously
incriminating our people.
The whole place
isn't worth a cent anymore.
I've been trying for ages to sell
the property, but a location like this!
It's dead along the sector border.
Absolutely dead.
Ulbricht is the biggest criminal since
Hitler, as sure as I'm Hilde Meckel.