Get him on his side.
Get some water, Vic!
Are you crazy?
Have you gone totally insane?
Why do I make all those calculations
if you bastards don't stick to 'em?
You both could've died.
You realize that?
Fuck you!
We can't go on like this.
We need more people.
- There are informers everywhere.
- We're too slow.
- One informer and we'd be done for.
- But this could take 10 years!
I've saved about 1,000 marks.
- Who do you wanna get out?
- A girlfriend.
My father and my wife.
My younger brother.
He's all alone over there.
- My wife and kids.
- How many kids?
Two. Ralf is fve.
Christina is eight.
My daughter.
- Who do you wanna get out?
- No one in particular.
Why do you want to take part?
He got us out back then,
through the sewer.
That policeman?
Holy shit! Get him outta here!
- I deserted.
- Sure, I've heard that before.
Damn it!
He risked his life to get me out.
I want to make up
for the three people who got caught.
My wife, my kids and my mother.
If possible, a friend.