I know.
-You feeling better?
-A little.
Good. How about this? Bam!
-Your favourite.
-You know you're my girl.
I got your back.
What's the matter?
Michael used to give
me chrysanthemums.
I miss him.
Oh, no. Now, come here.
Come here.
This really saddens me.
Karen's a top executive
at a big engineering firm.
Michael! Oh, Lord Jesus.
The youngest executive
in the company.
Black, white, male, female,
she's the youngest.
Strong, sharp, very impressive.
One day after lunch,
she meets this...
...scary-curl, Uncle Tom-looking,
bucktooth brother.
-So, can you fix my car?
-Shit, I can fix anything.
She cut his hair,
even straightened out his teeth.
You need anything else fixed up?
She's a down sister.
She'll work with a brother.
-Big Mike.
Big Mike?
-What's your name?
-Damn, you beautiful.
You make a brother wanna sing to you.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, Karen
I want you
Brother was looking good.
He treated her like a queen.
She gave him everything.
He was where he should be:
Begging her to....
-Marry me.
-Marry me.
Really. Marry me.
Everything was fine.
Then one day, he saw a mirror.