Two Can Play That Game

Conny Spalding.
Vice president of marketing
and a bona fide ho. Hey, Conny!

-Hey, how you been?
-Fine. Where you headed?

-To see your man. He there?
-He's there.

-I'll go holler at that Negro.
-Okay. Bye, sweetie.

Every girl's got a bit of ho in them,
but Conny's different.

She's a do-whatever-it-takes-

...kind of ho.
I don't know how she got that job.
But after she got hired, her boss
got a divorce. You make the call.

I'm here to see Keith.
Why am I not afraid of her
with my man?

I trust him.
I'll see him for dinner.
He knows what he's got. That's my man.

Oh, did I mention how
accomplished he is?

Gotta love that man.
Time to see Tracye. It's spring.
She's fighting with her man.

Who are you messing with?
I won't get mad or yell.
Just tell me who you're messing with.

Because I know you
messing with somebody.

So who's the bitch
that you messing with?

What are you talking about?
I only mess with you.

-You's a liar.
-I ain't lying.

You's a liar.
Because you smelled some perfume
on me the other day?

I hugged my mother.
Her perfume must've got on me.

I know you're lying, Dwain.
I know because I found these drawers
underneath the couch!

So who do they belong to?
They damn sure ain't mine.

That's right.
Sit down and think up a good lie.
