After you've applied your makeup...
... then you do the unthinkable:
You take an unannounced trip
to your man's house.
Without trust you don't
have anything.
Your objective is
to get in the house.
Make up some ex cuse to bait him.
Here's the rest of your stuff.
I've had it in my car
and wanted to drop it off.
I'm sorry it's so late.
I just needed some closure.
Wanna come in so we can talk?
-That's not a good idea.
-I won't hurt you.
I mean, just a second.
-I'm gonna go.
Just for a second, all right?
Just-- Please.
Got him.
Before you know it,
you'll be with him on the couch.
Allow him to caress your soft body
and kiss you.
Do not resist when his strong hands
grab your ample behind...
...and squeeze tight.
Anything to get him where
he has to have you.
-Then make up an ex cuse and leave.
-I gotta go.
-Really. I gotta go. I gotta go.
-No. Hell, no.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lead
you on. I'm not ready for this.
Shanté! Shanté!
Oh, shit.
And that's day seven.
You've turned the tables.
Never let a woman come over
your house unannounced, dog.
And if you not sure you'll hit it,
don't start nothing.
Everybody know that if a woman
let you hit it, and you hit it...