Good. Waiter, check, please. Would
you like me to take care of this?
No, I'll pick this one up.
- Are you sure?
- I'm sure.
- Thanks for dinner.
- Yeah.
Rule no. 3: Break up with him
before he breaks up with you.
Whoever breaks up with
the person first wins.
She broke up with me!
See, that's interesting.
She sat there and let me
humiliate myself...
... by making me go through
how sorry I was.
Then she broke up with me.
I should've made her pay.
- She offered to pay?
- Why?
- She's good.
- Because she picked up a check?
No, it's about a
psychological advantage.
- But I paid, bro.
- But she offered.
- She has before.
- But never after breaking up.
Look, in order to grasp this,
you got to think like them...
... to read between the lines.
You got to ask yourself,
"When she offered to pay...
... did she want to come up
out of the pocket? " Think about it.
On a date, what woman
wants to pay for the meal?
None! Zero. I'm 29 years old.
I haven't met a woman who does.
So you can safely conclude
this is not about the money.
So what is this about?
She wants you to know she could
come out of pocket if she wanted to.
This is a demonstration
of her independence to you.
She's trying to tell you that you
can't do nothing for her.
You can't even buy her damn dinner!
She'd starve before you
come out the pocket.
That's deep. That's some really
deep shit right there.
Now we know his crime.
He went out to dinner
with a coworker...