
-What about--?

I have been unable to get you
a meeting with Czerniakow. He refuses.

He refuses.
I don't see him. Do you?
His car is there.
Over there with Szerynski
and that pest, Calel. He'll be here.

So, what made you give up your
fancy car and join the Resistance?

There's no better way to meet women.
Under these circumstances.

Always the idealist, huh?
There he is.
So you refuse to meet my friend.
Tell me, my recently
departed driver. . .

. . .whom am I refusing to meet?
Mordechai Anielewicz.
Ringleblum's friend,
who has an interest in history.

And in protecting our people.
And you think writing up flyers
and underground meetings. . .

. . .and preparing resistance
will accomplish this?

It's not all I propose.
We must strike back any way we can.

And the German
''collective responsibility''?

You are proposing to spit at them.
They'll retaliate against innocents. . .

. . .even harder than they did
last time.

They suffer anyway. They die of
disease, starvation and worse. . .

. . .and you negotiate
as if Germans are reasonable?

-Yes, I do. I try to minimize the harm.
-So do we!

Please, give us a chance.
Give us support to get started.

Yours is a romantic notion
that will get you all killed.

And I will not support them.
I will not.

And you should be wearing a hat.
In this weather you can get pneumonia.
