
Are you crazy?
We have no chance without a plan!

-Nor do they if we don't get them out!
-And if we get shot?

-I'm going.
-How will you get them out?

Are you with me or not?
We have no chance without the guide
to take us in the sewers and out.

Do you see a guide?
Do you?
There is no sewer worker!
-Are you with me or not?
-I will go with you, Yitzhak.

Make your own funeral arrangements.
I will not carry your coffin.

I will accompany you,
but he makes sense.

Maybe we should try again tomorrow
with the Poles.

We can't rely on the Poles.
We can't rely on anyone else
to get us in!

Zivia, when you get to the sewer,
go left.

And let's hope for the best.
I will cover your escape.
Go, before you forget
why you're leaving.

We'll be back.
Goodbye, Zachariah.
Be good, Zach.
Come on, you're already a day late.
-Let's go!
-Follow me.

Tell our friends
to keep their spirits up.

This way.
