
. . .is they give us the Jewish
narrative about the Warsaw ghetto.

The vast majority of documents that
exist are German propaganda documents.

The films and still photographs.
The thing that Marek taught me
was that those photos are propaganda.

None of those photos depict
what real life in Warsaw was.

The purpose of his propaganda
was to inflame latent anti-Semitism. . .

. . .and make it functional so they
could get away with what they wanted.

The power of film is so strong.
And Goebbels was the first person
to recognize it.

Or the first to recognize and use it.
In essence, we're talking about. . .
. . .Hitler being able to rally Germany
behind the extermination of the Jew.

To get them to rally behind that,
you had to have an effective tool.

Hitler and Goebbels
were aware of that.

Between the two of them. . .
. . .they used it very effectively.
They're cunning, cowardly
and cruel...

...and usually appear
in massive hordes.

They represent the elements
of sneakiness...

...and subterranean destruction
among animals...

...just as the Jews do among mankind.
I mean, to compare Jews to rats--
We all know what we do with rats.

We had the first news about gassing--
