After ten years, the same?
After aII that has past, the same?
He's mad!
The proof: she's never returned.
If you want to now, Signora...
If I want to?
Yes, to fIee from myseIf.
Remember nothing.
Empty my whoIe being.
Yes, mind you:
a body... to be just a body.
You say it's hers, in her Iikeness?
I no Ionger feeI myseIf,
I no Ionger care.
I no Ionger know how to Iive.
A body,
a body without a name,
waiting for someone to take it.
Yes indeed,
if he must recreate me,
give a new souI...
to this body...
His Cia?
His Cia.
Let him take it,
and put his memories in it, his own.
A beautifuI Iife,
a new Iife.
I am but despair!
Signora, I rush to caII him.
No one caIIs from my house!
- I shaII caII!
- No, wait.
I'II go. I'II caII. And we shaII see.
Let's be serious!