An isograph? What is it?
A sampIe of the writing which aIIows
experts to discern reaI from fake.
PeopIe come from around the worId.
For the Ietter G: Gobineau, Goethe...
This is a photocopy.
Keep it.
I made it for you.
A Ietter he might have written
to Mr. Vernet.
Yes, NicoIas Vernet.
He heIped GoIdoni,
when he was in Paris...
Look at your... isograph,
It is dated December 9th
It couId be to him.
And the trifIe he speaks of,
it couId be the pIay...
What pIay?
A ghost pIay,
which GoIdoni might have
given to Mr. Vernet, to thank
his generosity.
I'm set on finding it,
and be the first to direct it.
One can dream...
Mr. Bassani...
I shouIdn't advise you,
but it I were in your shoes,
and I had an unpubIished pIay...
What wouId you do?
I know someone who has
a manuscript poem of Rimbaud.
OnIy the Iast two stanzas
were pubIished.