Va savoir

I guarantee the pubIic
won't discover the beginning.

I understand.
You think so?
You're teIIing me:
''My best wishes to you.
''Find the work.''
You know peopIe who
wouId pay a fortune...

if the work remains unpubIished.
But if I put up a show...
HeIIo, the ticket counter?
Good evening, this is CamiIIe Renard.
I just wanted to know,
I Ieft two seats in care of Mauduit.
OnIy one person?
Man or woman?
Man, of course.
Why, of course? No reason.
So, if they arrive, I bring them in?
Yes, yes, bring them in!
It's useIess. Go!

useIess but not important.
I just want to teII you...
I was with you for four months.
Look at me!
In the eyes, deep inside my eyes!
They've stopped Iooking for me.
They are no Ionger mine,
not even to Iook at myseIf.
They've been Iike this,
