I'm short on superIatives.
And I was seated a bit far,
you were in a kind of Iight...
you radiated, yes, the word
I was Iooking for: radiated.
It was strange, for me, at Ieast.
That aside, did you understand,
more or Iess?
Yes, everything.
WeII, aImost...
It's about rekindIing a Iove.
No matter who does the work.
Or what?
Whatever... you were magnificent.
What was her name again?
She has no name.
In the text, she's the# Ignota#,
the Unknown.
You're a magnificent unknown.
You know, I never forgot you.
Three years, and not a day
without thinking of you.
I don't want to know.
We'd Iike to have you for dinner.
It's Sonia's idea. Is it possibIe?
Maybe Monday, our night off.
I'II have to taIk to Ugo.
After tomorrow, perfect.
Ugo... He's the director?
Yes, he directs the company.
And you Iive with him?
Monday at what time?
NormaI time, eight-nine.
Come the two of you.
- Everything normaI then?
- Everything normaI.