Excuse me.
What for?
I don't know, I...
These oId books, are fascinating,
but once they're opened,
it's a dismay.
I didn't say heIIo before.
Arthur DeIamarche.
- Ugo Bassani, I am...
- Yes, I heard.
- So, did you find it?
- Not yet, but...
- You're hopefuI?
- AIways.
My eIdest son, Arthur.
You never hear him come in,
or Ieave... A reaI cat.
I'II never get used to it.
- Staying for dinner?
- I don't know.
You need money.
I aIways need money, mother.
But first I'II have a drink. Ugo?
Why not.
See you soon.
Excuse me.
My mother said... this...
beIongs to you.
Thank you.
So you are the daughter...
Dominique, they caII me Do.
How funny.
WiII you waIk with me?
No, I can't, I have to work.
- On ancient Rome?
- Yes, ancient and modern.
WiII you heIp me?
Sniffing out the secrets of the Iibrary.
I'II try.
See you tomorrow.
In position.
Look at your hand.