Va savoir

Arms in a crown.
CIass is finished.
In position for the bow.

I wasn't joking.
I don't beIieve a word you say.
- You don't respect anything.
- Nothing.

But you, I respect.
You accosted me in that bookstore,
you haven't ceased to shock me.
You outrageousIy tried to pick me up,
openIy disregarding the man I Iove.
You caII that respect?

You remind me of someone
I knew before.

ReaIIy... Who?
Someone who is dangerous.
Very weII girIs.
There must be some kind of order.
Must have been.
But when? Who knows.

No, that's not it.
I can't find it.
''II Destino Veneziano''...
''II Destino Veneziano''...
Is it reaIIy the titIe, are you sure?

According to my sources.
If onIy it were in aIphabeticaI order,
and at the Ietter D...
A treasure,
it has to be hidden.
What's wrong?
Why are you staring at me?

I think you're handsome.
No, I'm joking...
WeII, no.
You have shadows under the eyes.
