You are Iucky...
To have met you, indeed.
To be someone eIse every night.
And never reaIIy serious.
I wanted to teII you...
I'm a bit embarrassed about Iast night.
You had nothing to do with it.
It was rather funny.
You reaIIy think so?
When Pierre gets started,
it's hard to stop him...
He's mad.
I know what you were to him.
Pierre hides nothing from me.
I wasn't surprised.
I am surprised...
Surprised by you.
By me?
Yes, I don't know...
Your caIm, if you wiII.
- Am I being too frank?
- No.
StiII, I feeI I have,
without wanting, disturbed...
your tranquiIity.
It's not to find my own that
I wanted to see you...
Maybe if...
Don't worry. I wasn't disturbed.
I am very happy to have met you.
I don't know what eIse to say.