AII is weII.
Fifteen minutes before the curtain.
Ten minutes Iate!
What truth?
- Can you beIieve her?
- They beIieve her!
They beIieve. Because it's the truth.
The facts.
The very ''deceit'' he beIieves in.
What are you saying, Signora?
How is it possibIe?
It's a vendetta against me,
fiercer than his!
It's not mine.
The facts avenge you.
What did you want
by caIIing them forth?
I can't accept
to be recognized by them.
You were to recognize me, onIy you,
It went weII tonight, no?
We had the right pace.
- What we don't have is the pubIic.
- We had some.
Not enough.
It's madness, this tour.
An abyss.
You're worried?
More than that, I'm scared.
Scared of Iosing the company.
It's not Iike you.
That's what scares me.
Excuse me.
No, Dominique. Come in.
- Didn't we meet before?
- Yesterday.
Ah yes, yesterday.
I had to see it without my mother.
I was so uncomfortabIe.