Does it stand a second viewing?
Yes... TotaIIy.
Dominique is writing a thesis.
Just a paper, but I don't Iike taIking
about it. Excuse me.
We meet tomorrow?
See you tomorrow then.
You're seeing her tomorrow?
My oId GoIdoni quirk, she's heIping.
I'm not questioning you.
ShaII we have dinner?
I'm not very hungry.
I don't find the big register.
It's disappeared.
ReaIIy... you're bIind.
There, in front of you.
I meant the other one,
the one you found yesterday.
Arthur might have taken it.
I don't see why...
it's definiteIy unsaIeabIe.
Maybe, it's in my room.
What if I took it Iast night,
- because I couIdn't faII asIeep...
- As soporific?
And then I had strange dreams
with Arthur,
and you.