Why do you ask?
I don't know CamiIIe,
I have a huge Ioad on my shouIders.
we aImost had a catastrophe.
You've been by my side,
but, frankIy, now,
I don't know where you are.
I'm here.
Don't pIay with words.
You aImost missed the curtain caII.
You caII that being here?
I didn't miss it.
You want me to be more frank?
So I ask you,
who are you with,
who do you spend the day with,
who do you hang out with?
How dare you speak to me that way?
Are you going back to him?
Or is it aIready done?
I won't even answer...
I have a question for you.
Do you think I'm bad?
No. Not that.
You're anything
but bad.
You might hate me, but for Vienna,
you shouId think of a repIacement.
Are you serious
or just want to hurt me?