You're the offended?
The offended
chooses weapons and pIace.
Are you seriousIy serious?
Do I Iook Iike I'm joking?
What do you choose?
Come to the theatre
at four, tomorrow,
use the actors' entrance.
I'II be there.
That's the pIace. And the weapon?
You'II see.
TiII death?
TiII death.
I'II be there.
Come, SaIter!
Remember, Boffi,
to send aII my things.
The car is outside? I'II go Iike this!
Like this!
Let's go.
- No wait!
- And us?
How? Like this?
Let's be serious.
Good evening.
You shouId have toId me,
to chiII the champagne.