How originaI.
Where do these stairs Iead?
A terrace where I dry my Iaundry.
It's nice.
It's very nice.
You're surprised?
A bit.
I do what I want.
- Just Iike that?
- Not quite.
But we'II do as if.
You sIeep here?
A bit cIose to the door, no?
On the mezzanine, in the morning,
the Iight is too bright.
I changed the sheets.
- I don't know why I said that.
- A thoughtfuI touch...
Don't say anything.
I Iike you,
especiaIIy when you don't
seem to know everything.
I reaIIy Iike you.
I came to make you an offer.
Mind you, take it or Ieave it.
If you're not interested,
I Ieave right away.
Speak up...
I give you this night.
This night onIy.
After... never again.