It's simple, really, Shelley.
You see, from an evolutionary
point of view...
...Jason Iooks for a pretty, young
woman because he wants healthy kids.
And a young woman, Iike yourself...
...Iooks for a successful man Iike
Jason because she wants to feel safe.
Jason has some spinach in his teeth.
Anyway, and so the species survives.
What else is there,
really, in the end?
In the end.
...there's the check.
-Check, please.
-Could you get my car?
-Of course.
Thank you.
No dessert?
No, I'm sorry. I have finals.
That's too bad.
-Thank you very much.
-Thank you.
''Muy expensivo.''
Let's see, you had the salmon...
...and the crab cocktail.
I had the chicken and the salad.
And that would be....
Okay, well. Thank you, Jason.
It was nice to meet you.
What, that's it?
-What's it?
-Don't I get a kiss?
-Excuse me?
-Just a little fricking kiss.
Oh, God.
This hard-to-get shit
doesn't play with Jason.
Jason, I'm not a doctor yet...
...but it's my considered opinion
you seek psychiatric help...