Come on, Kate, you promised!
Paige, today at work I wrote a column
about computer monitor dust wipes.
-Isn't that enough pain for one day?
-This isn't painful.
PainfuI's bind dating.
Or meeting someone on the Internet
and finding out 6-foot-ish is really--
Five-four with Ioafers, I know.
Kate, you'II meet 30 guys tonight.
You get 30 seconds apiece,
unless you want more. It's brilliant.
It'll be fun.
I haven't really completely
broken up with Adam yet.
But you will. Believe me,
relationships don't make U-turns...
...and Adam's a drunk.
He's not a drunk.
He's a borderline
addictive personality...
...who happens to Iike alcohol a lot.
AII right, fine.
Let's just do it already.
My mother's family dates back
to the Mayflower.
I traced it myself.
She makes her own turtlenecks.
She had nine children.
Awesome, huh? She's--
She's a pretty amazing woman.
Left me out of the goddamn blue.
Says she can do better.
...I don't fulfill her needs...
It's obvious to me.
The girlÂ’s got to be a dyke.
Greatest team in the history
of professional footbaII : 49ers!
The Bible.
The Bible is the foundation
of morality and marriage.
I know what you're thinking.
-You do?
-You want to get the hell out of here.