-Hey, guys.
This is Max.
Hi, Max. I'm Kate.
Hello, Kate.
That will do, Max.
I'm just being polite, Paige.
So isn't the show great?
Yeah, it's great. Cheers.
Better than your Iast one.
You hate it.
No. No.
It's all right.
I hate it too, sometimes.
But an artist has got to explore.
Max, I'm sorry. We're having trouble
with the video playback in the maze.
Forgive me.
I'II be right back, you guys.
I'm Paige.
Hi, Paige. I'm Campbell.
So, what brings you to this
fascinating cultural event, Campbell?
That's a very good question.
I'm here with--
Hi, guys! I see you've met Campbell.
Paige was just hitting on him.
Sorry, I didn't know.
Campbell, this is Kate and Lily,
and I see you've already met Paige.
Nice to meet all of you.
We all had headgear
and braces together.
Really? You all seem
to have turned out all right.
-Can I get you a drink?
-Yes, please.
Dorothy, what else have you
been keeping to yourself?
Valentines Day.
What does it mean?
What's it really about?
Celebration of true Iove?
It was really strange.
A cupid mask, Iike a cherub.
Like at that Valentines Day dance?
What dance?