And I said he attacked me.
Why didn't you say something
about this to Vaughn?
I just couldnt.
Dorothy, I really wouldnt
worry about this.
Jeremy Melton couldnt manage
a water fountain without screwing up.
I don't think he's capable
of an intricate revenge plot.
You scared me!
What are you doing here?
-I thought we were having dinner.
-We are?
We are. I'm sorry.
I completely forgot.
I'm just a little distracted.
What's up?
It's probably nothing.
You wouldnt believe me if I toId you.
You think it's far-fetched?
This whole Jeremy Melton
Revenge of the Nerds theory.
I don't know.
What should I do?
I'm thinking Mexico, the two of us,
until this all blows over.
-You want to come up?
-Yeah, I do.
Believe me.
I do.
I don't want you to do something...
...that you'II write off
as a weak moment tomorrow.
So get upstairs before I lose my will.