But I've known him a whiIe.
Meaning what?
Meaning, we used to work
at the same paper.
He covers the Giants.
His mother is a Iawyer, his father
is a teacher. They're from SeattIe.
How's that?
What about you?
I have a boyfriend.
But I can guarantee you
he's not Jeremy MeIton.
Why don't you Iet me decide?
His name is CampbeII.
And he's very smart. He's starting
his own Internet venture.
How Iong have you known him?
-A month.
-Where did you meet him?
At yoga.
But it's a very excIusive gym, okay?
I thought CampbeII
is staying with you.
WeII, he is.
His roommate didn't
pay the rent, so....
Dorothy, you met this guy a month ago
and he's staying with you?
There have been guys
whose Iast names you didn't know...
...that you Iet into your pants.
I'm just Ietting
this guy into my house.
You don't have to be bitchy.
So whiIe we're
on the topic, Dorothy...
...what is CampbeII's Iast name?
You know, that's it.
This is buIIshit.
I don't have to answer these
I'II see you guys Iater.
That went weII.
I got to go.
Me too.
Paige, actuaIIy, I'd Iike you
to stay a moment.
Am I in troubIe, detective?
You want to interrogate me?
It wiII just take a second.
-TaIk Iater?
-Sure, if I'm not under arrest.