Thank you.
Listen, I have that investor meeting--
You're Ieaving?
Just for drinks.
It'II be an hour, tops.
You have the miIitant MiIIicent here.
She's got her army of caterers
and workmen so you'II be just fine.
Yeah, I guess.
...do you care to join me now?
Tempting, tempting...
...but I want to work out
before my meeting.
But I promise you I wiII be
back for the party, okay?
IKevin WheeIer.
Account number 3-1 -6-5-9-3-6.
Look, we've been over this
three times aIready.
And I reaIize it's the entire account.
February 1 6th, 1 940.
Mother's maiden name? Sather.
Any other questions?
San Francisco.
What's that?
Don't teII me where the fuck I was
born. Just transfer the damn funds!
Yes, Dorothy?
We lost the hot water in the house.
Could you do me a favor and
relight the pilot in the basement?
Sure, that's no probIem.
Fucking perfect.
Now I'm on the staff.