with two daughters that
lit up his lifewith purpose...
and he suddenly goes
to endless school plays...
and he gets home at 9:00
for the evening discussion...
and he has the time of his life.
His favorite Beatle was once John,
and now it's Paul.
I always liked George.
It all depends on
the individual, doesn't it?
Tell me,
what's happiness for you?
What's happiness to you, David?
- How 'bout another question?
- You won't show me your face.
Will you?
So back to the time line.
Hurry. Let's move through this.
You've got to take
the plates off.
I don't want to know
what's under here.
It's gonna be fine.
You'll see.
- I'll go tomorrow.
- Today.
I already called Pomeranz
and switched it to Wednesday.
I hope that woman at the front desk
gaveyou shit about it.
Another day won't matter.
Besides, the Mustang will be fixed.
The plan was going in the Mustang.
The Mustang's not ready.
Sowe'll go tomorrow
in the Mustang.
- Good.
- We'll gowhen it's fixed.
I know that the problem...
wouldn't beyou delaying
something you were dreading.
Couldn't be that.
Couldn't be that.
I mean--
I mean, I agree.
I think it's very important...
to have...