It was Sofia
who neverfully recovered.
It was she who somehow
knew you best...
and like you, she never
forgot that one night...
where true love seemed possible.
Consequences, David.
It's the little things.
The little things.
There's nothing bigger,
is there?
Your subconscious
did create problems.
Your dream
turned into a nightmare.
The glitch has been corrected.
So all I have to do
is imagine something.
Like, if I wanted...
McCabe to come back right now--
Listen to me.
These people are dangerous.
We're in trouble.
We need to get off this roof now.
We're now on pause...
and you're about to return
toyour Lucid Dream.
With all the upgrades...
you won't remember any of this...
nor will you be charged
for technical support.
It's now your moment of choice.
You can return toyour Lucid Dream
and live a beautiful life...
with Sofia or whomever you wish...