the wheel ofdestiny threatens
to crush us beneath it.
We are dying.
tell us what we must do.
Every people, every tribe
needs its legend.
And every battle needs a hero.
the sign ofthe coming
ofa king.
the coming ofa king?
We no longer have kings in Gaul.
perhaps, then, the Romans.
But they have no king either.
A hero must emerge
from the darkness.
He alone...
will keep the great wheel
from crushing us beneath it.
I must go to seek him out.
Between a boy and a girl,
there should be something more.
And don't forget--
Ifyour brother Celtill persists...
you must obey our laws...
and separate his soul
from his corrupted body.
Gutuart is wrong.
there must not be a king in Gaul.