Doyou imagineyourself...
becoming the new Brennus,
king ofthe Gauls, my brother?
Haveyou forgotten that the Arvernes
have proclaimed a republic?
I haven't forgotten,
thatyou want to become chieftain
ofthis aristocratic republic...
which makes the rich richer...
and the poor poorer.
But let us put aside
these petty rivalries.
We Gauls are trapped
between two great monsters--
to our north, the teutons...
and at the south, the Romans.
Doyou forget that it was you...
who hired the teuton mercenaries
to conquer other lands?
- the Romans are no menace.
- For the moment.
- What areyou saying?
- I'm saying you went to Rome...
to beg Caesar to come to Gaul.
I say that the legions of Rome...
will devastate our lands...
and destroy everything
in which we believe.
I say, better, Diviciac, the people
ofGaul united under a king.
And I tell you, my brother...
rather a king
at the head ofGaul...
than your secret pacts
with the Romans.
One day,
I'll beyour queen.
Here is the crown once worn
by the king ofthe Gauls.
Father! No!
take the crown.