Dine with me tonight.
I am sure...
you will fi nd it interesting.
I pray to the gods that Caesar sends
1 00 legions after us.
the Gauls only fear having
the sky fall on their heads.
the Gaul who said that
to Alexander...
was struck dead by lightning.
take this lightning and eat it!
Listen to me!
So, Dumnorix,
still afraid ofthe sea?
I guarantee
that the sea will be calm.
It's not the seasickness
I fear...
but Caesar.
He offers us halfthe booty.
- that's not enough foryou?
- It's too much.
- What does he mean?
- We must respect the pact.
It was you--
you, my brother, who made the pact
on behalfofthe Eduens.
And it's not for me or my sons
to respect it.
- What areyou going to do?
- Whatever I can.
Whenever I can.
I do believe...
thatyou know each other.