Tell me how did it started.
It began one week ago,
with two rich people.
Belmont and Veraldi.
Thay is nonsence. It is not because they
were hit by lightning...
One men hit by lightning is an accident.
Two men hit by lightning is a plot.
Certainly if it are Belmont en Veraldi.
-Who are They?
Belmont was the most important
weapenmanufacturer of France.
Veraldi was a chemist.
He makes explosives of it.
So what?
It is an heavy battle for our army.
We cannot have a weak spot
now. Certainly not now.
What do you fear?
An attack from the Germans?
They put you on the Throne.
I fear an attack from the inside.
The reformations are not populair.
Not really.
-Paris is full of conspiricy.