Where did the letter came from?
-No Idea. There was money included.
They where grilled.
-I could not know it.
-I swear.
I did not have any choice.
-The letter. It was an order.
An order from the devil himself.
-I Swear. I Swear.
It was written with blood.
I think lightning can be
aimed at a target.
To catch the lightning you need
a lightning....
and to send the energy
it must be aimable.
Also there must be,
and that is the conditio sine qua non...
a metal element
being present on the target.
Protect your eyes.
-The metall, everything is there.
The cosmical fire
that hits everything deep within one second.
But there is no fire.
Anvictim of lightning
can not burn.
Some of them even come out
without any injuries.
The lightning was just a spark.
It reminds me of
the prison and the Stoneoven.
Forget that.
What are you looking for?
They were set up.
They were accurate prepared.
And what else??
-what else??
If there where bombs,
there must have been some sort of fuse.