Didn't found the blazer?
-No. They know nothing.
Or they are very affraid.
I have spoken with Polignac.
Karel X abolishes the freedom of the press
and the representatives.
-like you said.
What do we have to expect?
The civilians will come on the street
and we'll have to lock ourselves up
in our own dungeons and wait
for backup.
Let them go.
Too bad for the witness.
We komen niets meer te weten.
And the guards in the neighbourhood
of the prison? And the control?
We give up.
Tommorow whe have
other cats to meet.
A comment...
Kids out of the glassblazery
talked about something weirds.
Something that comes back al the time...
They talk about some kind of monster
in de glassblazery. A ghost.
A creature with a mirror
instead of the face.
Doesn't that ring a bell?
Weird. A legend in the neigbourhood.
Something to scare people off or something.
When there was a crime,
it was always that creature.
Pure superstition.
Is that everything?
I thought...
Maybe we've always been on the wrong track.
Maybe that creature has something to do
with the murders, with Vidocq.
Are you crazy?
Do you belive in ghosts?