They're coming..They're coming
Everything has started with Ernest. And his rage.
The rage of somebody who loves himself.
And who doesn't want to get old.
That's also a way to intepretate it.
Your husband was a dandy and perverse.
He dealt in virgins.
Silence. You don't know anything.
Ernest took care of his looks
like a piece of art.
He saw himself as a piece of art
But the age did his job.
He didn't talk about anything else.
He didn't saw me standing anymore.
Only his wrimpels and skin were important.
All those things which destroyed him.
And every night he saw the other two
Belmont and Veraldi?
One night I followed him
With this our skin will look better.
That's wht you told me last time.
What do you think to win by doing this?
Time in time?
Some bewitched powder.
And your youth comes back?
I've got a proposition.
What can u offer us?
-What you're looking for?
Eternal youth.
The lifeelixir.
Bullshit. Nobody has that kind of power.
Nobody, except for me.
What do you want in return for it?
I need some sort of material.
Deliver it to me
and you will get the elixir
What kind of material?