You've gotten old, Casim.
We'll be eating helva next year
after your funeral service.
Why me?
Maybe you'll die pimp.
l still have my own teeth, codger!
But there's only a couple of months
between you.
No way! Old Casim was friends
with my late uncle.
Fuck off!
He's been dead for ten years!
See? You've got one foot
in the grave!
You're like a fossil, Casim.
We'll put you in the museum
if we get one.
No hard feelings. l was just
joking along with the others.
lf you've finished eating,
go say goodbye to your friends.
Yes, sir.
Stay away
from their mothers, though.
Don't worry, dad.
So, Rifat's doing his
military service too.
Time sure flies. l was a private in
lzmir and...
...there was this officer who...
Well, dear old Casim.
lzmir was part of the Ottoman
Empire then, wasn't it?
Turkey wasn't even
a republic back then!
Hey, Asiye!